The Proper Way to Utilize a QR Code In Print Advertising
Advertisers can expand the effect of any single marketing touch point offline, into something more interactive online, to further engage consumers moving them through the sales funnel of attraction, conversion and closing much more effectively.
QR Codes have been around much longer than many realize. Created as “Quick Response” codes in 1994, they were initially used to track progress in Japanese automobile assembly processes and became the big brother of the barcode. QR Codes have gained much of their marketing prowess in recent years - particularly now that consumers can simply scan them with the camera app on their phone. When effectively used as part of a marketing strategy, their ability to bridge print and digital media with a simple link remains unmatched, giving them staying power, finally.
The convenience and safety of receiving information, reviewing a menu or accepting a coupon is seamless, and allows customers to convert on their own time. We sat down with Chris Webster, President at Business Builders to understand more about how QR codes can be an effective marketing tool for a business of any size.
“QR Codes offer smart insights to marketers by providing data-driven decisions instead of guesswork,” said Chris, whose clients include local businesses like Bozard Ford Lincoln, Rulon International and Bartram Dental Center. “They act as a gateway to better customer experiences and can boost engagement and ultimately convert sales.”
From a school or church raising money with a roadside banner to brands who choose this marketing strategy in print publications, a QR code is a great way to track customer engagement and gather data that is relevant for companies to remarket to their audiences.
It’s easy to love QR codes for their tracking but Chris warns that can be a narrow view of the full scope of capabilities the technology can provide. Yes, QR codes are trackable, meaning advertisers can see how many times a QR code has been scanned. But that doesn’t mean you should ask for or expect the sale right away.
“It’s not just about tracking, it’s about connecting with the consumer longer.”
“It’s not just about tracking, it’s about connecting with the consumer longer.” Chris explains. The ability to link a commercial or video to a print piece, to further engage and educate potential consumers moves customers through the sales journey of attraction, conversion and closing much more effectively than other methods.
When used in any type of offline promotions – be it print ads, signage or onsite menus – advertisers can expand the effect of the single marketing touch point offline, into something more interactive online like an explainer video, extended photo gallery, or coupon offer.
“Advertisers need to deliver value to potential customers upfront in order to garner trust. If you can show and tell your customers how you will solve their specific problem, you are on the right track. Many small companies get this wrong and instead ask for the sale right away,” Chris continued.
Speaking of extending the connection with the consumer, businesses gain the added benefit from the use of QR Codes in their marketing by attracting consumers into their market funnel. Once the offline client has engaged with the QR code, they become a part of your online marketing funnel through properly set up retargeting and remarketing campaigns.
In fact, it’s estimated that retargeted consumers are 70% more likely to convert compared to cold audiences.
Retargeting happens online when you show only a specific audience of consumers, who have completed a specific action, your advertising. Like consumers who engaged with your social media profile, or visited your website. Instead of reaching everyone, you only reemphasize your brand to the people who already know who you are to move them further along your sales process. The goal then should be to gain their email address so then you can further remarket to them through email drip campaigns and internal promotions.
And, when you by combining print and digital ads, it will make online campaigns 400% more effective (Top Media Advertising, n.d.).
“Once the offline client has engaged with the QR code, they become a part of your online marketing funnel through properly set up retargeting and remarketing campaigns. ”
And since every consumer can’t be reached online, it's the offline campaigns, conveniently enhanced with a QR code, that bring a powerful surge to a brands online marketing funnel.
There are many free and low cost options for QR Code generators available with a simple Google search. Many QR Codes can be customized with a logo as well, providing additional brand awareness while maintaining functionality. Advertisers simply insert a link to the digital content, which is connected to the image that can be easily scanned by a camera, downloaded and acted upon.
“By combining print and digital ads, it will make online campaigns 400% more effective.”
The real effort comes with incorporating the QR code into the design of your print ads in a creative way. Don’t drop a QR just anywhere on an advertisement. The code should be incorporated into the design of the artwork, playing off other graphic elements to stand out and attract action on the part of the consumer. Calls to action help too. If you simply drop a tiny QR code in the corner of your advertisement with zero direction or creativity, chances are consumers will glaze past it. You have to entice them with what they will be met with upon the scan.
“Effective marketing doesn’t happen by accident,” says Chris. “It is intentionally planned for and then executed on. The message is so important. It must be clever and effective. Don’t assume that your audience knows anything about you or what you do. It is your job to let them know why they should choose you over your competitors, provide value, and make it easy for them to choose you.”
If you are interested in learning more about how a QR Code can be effective in your own marketing strategy, the SOCIAL team is here to help. We can assist with creating the linked content that will build trust with your audience and compel them to move through the sales cycle. The bottom line is attracting, converting and closing a sale through the click of … maybe just a few buttons along the way.