Drive Your Message Home
There’s No Place Like Home
At the end of the day everyone goes home, so that's exactly where we deliver.
SOCIAL Magazines deliver good news for strong community.
We combine the love of local stories with the power of direct mail to make relatable, community magazines delivered free to every address.
We mail to entire communities, taking local businesses from 'best kept secret' to 'household name,' one mailbox at a time.
Welcome home.

Good News Opens More Doors
It's why we turn advertising into interesting stories in community magazines residents welcome inside their homes.
Locals look to SOCIAL Magazines to solve their problems in a way no other direct mail does – with good news.
What you do is good news.
That new service, specialized training, groundbreaking treatment, trustworthy reputation, or new location is the good news strong communities are made of...and we make sure everyone knows about it.
Communities count on us to deliver good news about the services they need with stories they love.
Because we engage a truly interested audience, every advertiser benefits.
Reach More People Confidently
Everyone could use more good news – so we mail to entire communities and we guarantee it.
Imagine the effect this could have on your business. It would be like you personally handed out tens of thousands of business cards at the world's greatest networking event.
You can have no doubt your ads are reaching the community at large in SOCIAL Magazines because we guarantee circulation by providing advertisers with our USPS postal receipts every issue.
That is the power of SOCIAL.

Capture Attention More Effectively
Good news gets their attention.
SOCIAL Magazines maintain a classic community magazine design with editorial and ads.
We use local stories that cater to a resident's genuine curiosity in their town to create a more tangible, immersive and meaningful interaction with local brands.
The concept isn't just for the storyteller.
Every advertiser benefits from this format because stories keep readers interested and engaged with every page of our magazines longer.
Share Your Story with More Clarity
What you do is good news for the solution seeker.
SOCIAL Magazines take content marketing to the streets so you can explain your business in an
authentic way.
No interruptions, time limits, or algorithms. Just you and your story, told the way you want it to read.
Sponsored content advertising breaks down stranger barriers and influences sales in an educational way putting you in control of what your message is and who it reaches.
Take control of your story.

Gain More Chances to Win Business
The SOCIAL Magazines collective outreach elevates your business among a network of community leaders.
Aligning your brand with well-known organizations in our magazines builds trust and greater confidence for your business.
You're no stranger when you arrive with SOCIAL.
That association is compounded through city-wide delivery to fan the flame of word of mouth, spreading your good news like wildfire.
No one does direct mail like we do.
Get More Out of Your Advertising
In this age of information, SOCIAL Magazines cater to the inherent 'need-to-know' consumers share.
We've perfected the balance between content and classic advertising to make a magazine residents want to read, so you get more out of your advertising.
More people.
More response.
More clarity.
More business.
More guarantees.
The power of SOCIAL Magazines is in our design plus delivery – relevant community content delivered to every address.

Let’s bring out the SOCIAL side of your business

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