Frequently Asked Questions
How often is Social published?
Social Magazines are published every month, 12 times per year.
Do you offer any special editions that target my client base?
Since we mail to nearly every household, every issue targets your local client base. You can customize your messaging by using sponsored stories about your business during peak seasons for your business.
Are there opportunities for editorial about my business?
Yes! All of our business stories are sponsored stories paid for by our advertisers. We only offer earned-media for local events, charities and community news in the front of our magazines.
How do I get on the front cover?
You buy a spot when it’s available. If you are interested in a cover story, you should secure the issue you prefer asap because these spots sell out first. Also, you can be put on a waiting list for earlier issues incase something opens up sooner.
Who reads the magazine? And where can I get a copy?
This is a two part answer. Residents read our magazines because our only distribution channel is direct mail to their homes. If you live on our mailing route, you will receive one at your home too. If you need a copy to review, we’ll happily mail you one. You may also view PDF archives of each issue on their market pages on our website.
Where can I see past issues?
You can view past issues of issues on their respective market pages.
Are social magazines also digital? Do you share content ads on social media?
No. Our print is so good, it doesn’t need digital. We are hyper focused on delivering the highest performing offline print media and don’t distract ourselves with online audiences.
Do you have a one issue rate?
Is there an extra charge if I need Social Magazines to take the photos for my content ad?
Yes. If you don’t have professional images to submit for your content ad, we can help you with that! Single portraits are $150, or a multi-portrait session that delivers up to 25 images is $495. Both give you complete commercial license to use the photo anywhere else you’d like to promote your business.
Can I choose where my ad is positioned?
For an additional 15% fee you may choose and secure a particular ad spot in the magazine so long as it is available.
Can I get help designing the ad?
Yes, we have a skilled design team that can replicate your branding or create something fresh and new for you.
Am I able to change out my ad occasionally and if so is there a fee?
You may make changes to your ad every issue and there is no fee.
If I sign up to run 6 ads, do I have to pay for all of them up front?
No, we allow per issue billing. All invoices are sent 45 days before release date and are extended net 30 terms. All invoices are expected to be paid before printing.
Can I cancel my contract early?
You may cancel your contract early, but there is a fee. We require notice 30 days in advance of the next advertising deadline. If cancellation notice exceeds this date, the next advertisement to be published in the insertion order shall be published as originally scheduled. Cancellation will then be effective with the following advertisement insertion. Cancellations will incur a fee equal to the difference between the price of the quantity of ads contracted for and the price of the quantity of ads actually published.
Why do you send USPS postal receipts to verify your delivery.
We know you are contacted every day by every advertising option under the sun. Medias without tangible measurement capabilities have to estimate their audience size, so they sell their services using flowery marketing jargon, inflated distribution and vague demographics masked by low cost offers.
We want you to know you can count on Social Magazines to earn your business with facts first.
Because of our distribution model, we have the advantage of proving our promise to you.
You need to advertise in many ways, so I hope the verification received through Social equips you to analyze and understand the same data from other partners, to promote your brand with the best advertising options, not the cheapest. Filter out the flowery and focus on facts.