Let’s Talk
A 30-minute phone call
could change your business.
Advertising rates start at $295 per issue.
Divide that by our distribution
and that’s less than a penny per house.
Bring out the SOCIAL side of your business.
We offer a wide range of advertising to fit nearly every budget starting as low as $295 per issue.
Complete the form to get advertising rates and availability in your market.
Our Advertisers say…
"Phones Start Ringing"
Our phones start ringing with new leads and inquiries almost right away in that area. SOCIAL Magazines has been a great way for us to put a personal touch on our ads and target our marketing to the neighborhoods where we want new customers. It’s pretty cool when the phone starts ringing with new business and people we know say they saw us.
"Best Advertising Investment"
One of the BEST advertising investments for my business. I often refer to the articles as “The Beacon of Light” that shines and draws the necessary attention I am looking for…..which are always met with high praises from customers/clients.
"Blown Away by Results"
We were drawn to the high quality format and the wide distribution of the publication. However we were blown away when we did a feature story on our Medical Director Dr. Bell, I think everyone we know in town either texted us or said something in person as to how great the article was. It really showed what a well read and wide distribution St. Augustine Social reaches.